Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Flipping Couple: weekend update

This weekend was a really great one. We both took Friday?off, so we ended up with a four day weekend and a good mix of work and fun, family, friends and just-us time. And that just-us time was really?desperately?needed. Marching band season ended last week, which means we haven?t seen each other in a month. Ok, so that?s a little bit of an exaggeration but not much of one. June means 4-6 days of marching band every week for Nick, and piled on top of our normal jobs and schedules that means very little time together. I?m pretty sure we saw more of each other in these past 4 days than we did in the entire month of June.

(June? Not my favorite month of the year. Bring on July!)

We kicked off the 4th?with a picnic with Nick?s family and then some friends and family over for dinner and fireworks. Friday?we helped my sister and brother-in-law with some house projects. They were game for us bringing the pups along, so I joked that we were like an HGTV crew?.only way less helpful and much more entertaining. The dogs came home absolutely exhausted after a full day of exploring a new yard and ?helping? with projects.

Saturday brought some house work and family time and some errand-running and dog entertaining.

On Sunday we celebrated our 6th?wedding anniversary! For the first time in 5 years we didn?t have any part of the house torn apart and so for the first time in 5 years we didn?t work on a house project on our anniversary. It was weird. And really great. So instead of sweating away working on the house we hopped on our bikes and sweated it out for 35 miles. We stopped at a cute little caf? in Stillwater for breakfast and then rode home. I also managed to get a bloody leg out of the deal while learning to ride with my clipless shoes and pedals. Nick says it looks like I got attacked by a wild animal. I think that?s a compliment?

You're welcome for not showing you my leg.??

After some chill and relaxing hours with the dogs at home we headed out for an incredible dinner at Black Sheep in downtown St Paul. Our salad was?amazing?and the pizza was equally fantastic. We had the meatball/ricotta/garlic pizza and?ohmyword?it was good. We had the patio to ourselves (I guess most people like AC when it?s over 90 degrees?) and are definitely planning to visit again.

We spent the rest of the evening visiting with Nick?s parents at the hospital. It?s been hard to figure out how to talk about it here, but this is a huge part of our lives right now. Nick?s mom is continuing to bravely battle her cancer and we?re doing our best to support her. We?ve had some really beautiful moments with the whole family together at the hospital over the past month but it?s also so hard. We?re cherishing these days together, but we so badly want them to happening at home, with the cancer in remission and her healthy again. Hug your loved ones, friends, and if you think of us, we would love your prayers for strength and healing.

While these days are difficult, they also make us realize how beautiful life is and how much we?ve been blessed. There?s a lot to celebrate in life and I hope you all spent at least part of your weekend doing just that!

Source: http://www.theflippingcouple.com/2013/07/weekend-update.html

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