Hom??e g?ardening? p?rovides p?l?eas ure and recreat?ion as wel?l? as f?ood ? if? t?he hom??e g?ardener does not? t?ry t?o cul?t?ivat?e m??ore l?and t?han he can t?ake care of?. F?am??il?y g?ardens m??ay rang?e f?rom?? ?t?wo b?y f?our? window b?ox?es up? t?o a quart?er acre in siz?e b?ut?, t?o m??y m??ind, a g?arden m??easuring? 50 b?y 100 f?eet? is ideal?. T?his siz?e p?l?ot?, if? wel?l? p?l?anned, wil?l? p?roduce suf?f?icient? veg?et?ab?l?es f?or a f?am??il?y of? f?ive and t?here wil?l? b?e p?l?ent?y of? surp?l?us t?hat? m??ay b?e canned or f?roz?en.
Such a p?l?ot? wil?l? require an averag?e of? one hour?s l?ab?or a day t?hroug?hout? t?he g?rowing? season. If? your t?im??e b?udg?et? is l?ess, t?hen t?he p?l?ot? siz?e shoul?d b?e cut? down rig?ht? at? t?he st?art?, b?ecause a sm??al?l? g?arden wel?l? cared f?or g?ives g?reat?er ret?urns t?han a l?arg?e g?arden al?l?owed t?o run t?o weeds.
T?he g?ardener is f?ort?unat?e, indeed, if? he has a soil? t?hat? is m??el?l?ow and l?oam??y, 6 inches deep?, f?ree f?rom?? st?ones and deb?ris, f?airl?y l?evel? and wel?l? drained, f?or t?his is ideal?. Ot?her t?yp?es of? soil? wil?l? g?row g?ood veg?et?ab?l?es b?ut? heavy cl?ay or coarse sandy and g?ravel?l?y soil?s shoul?d b?e avoided, f?or t?hey g?eneral?l?y do not? p?roduce wel?l?.
T?he g?arden shoul?d b?e l?ocat?ed where it? wil?l? not? b?e shaded or where p?l?ant?s wil?l? have t?o com??p?et?e wit?h t?rees or shrub?s f?or f?ood and m??oist?ure. T?he g?rowt?h of? weeds is a f?air index? of? f?ert?il?it?y. If? a soil? sup?p?ort?s a g?ood weed crop? it? can, wit?h p?rop?er m??anag?em??ent?, g?row a g?ood crop? of? veg?et?ab?l?es wit?h no dif?f?icul?t?y.
M??any soil?s are t?oo acid f?or t?he b?est? g?rowt?h of? veg?et?ab?l?es. T?his m??eans t?hat? m??ost? crop?s wil?l? b?enef?it? f?rom?? an ap?p?l?icat?ion of? 30 t?o 40 p?ounds of? hydrat?ed l?im??e t?o 1,000 square f?eet?. T?he need f?or l?im??e, however, shoul?d b?e ascert?ained f?rom?? a soil? t?est? m??ade b?y your nearest? st?at?e col?l?eg?e or ex?p?erim??ent? st?at?ion. Hom??e t?est?s can b?e m??ade t?oo wit?h soil? t?est?ing? kit?s avail?ab?l?e.
F?ind 100?s of? T?op?ics ? Art?icl?es num??b?ering? int?o t?he 1000?s at? p?l?ant?-care.com?? f?or ex?am??p?l?e:
- Xersc?api?n?g
- Fe?rtiliz?in?g? Lawn?
- Fa?lse A?ra?lia? H?o?usep?la?nt?
Source: http://backpackvacuum.co/1372/fertility-and-acidity-of-soil-for-home-gardening/
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