Friday, July 15, 2011

Arts and Entertainment,Celebrity Gossip News - Do poetry books ...

So, do most poetry books have a theme that all of the poems center around? Are there good books that are more like just collections of an author's poems?

Major Works . Collections . Anthologies

Something Else again by Franklin P. Adams [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Senlin: a Biography by Conrad Aiken
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Don Juan by George Gordon Byron
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Hunting of the Snark by Lewis Carroll
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Amours de Voyage by Arthur Hugh Clough
? edited for the Web by Ed Brandon

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

The Sot-Weed Factor by Ebeneezer Cook
? edited for the Web by Arthur Kay

Delia by Samuel Daniel
? edited for the Web by Nelson Miller

Holy Sonnets by John Donne
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Idea by Michael Drayton
? edited for the Web by Nelson Miller

The Medal by John Dryden
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Absalom and Achitophel by John Dryden
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Rub?iy?t of Omar Khayy?m by Edward Fitzgerald
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Deserted Village by Oliver Goldsmith
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Eve of St. Agnes by John Keats
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Hymns of the Marshes by Sidney Lanier
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Lays of Ancient Rome by Thomas Babbington Macaulay
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Everlasting Mercy by John Masefield
? edited for the Web by Arthur Kay

Dauber by John Masefield
? edited for the Web by Arthur Kay

Modern love by George Meredith
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

First Anniversary by Andrew Marvell
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Death of Cromwell by Andrew Marvell
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Last Instructions to a Painter by Andrew Marvell
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

An Essay on Man by Alexander Pope
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

An Essay on Criticism by Alexander Pope
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

The Lay of the Last Minstrel by Sir Walter Scott
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Adonais by Percy Bysshe Shelley
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Astrophil and Stella by Sir Philip Sidney
? edited for the Web by Nelson Miller

Amoretti by Sir Edmund Spenser
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Ruins of Rome : by Bellay ? a cycle of 33 sonnets translated by Edmund Spenser [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Princess, a Medley by Alfred Tennyson
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

In Memoriam by Alfred Tennyson [1849]

Snow-Bound by John Greenleaf Whittier
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Ballad of Reading Gaol by Oscar Wilde
? edited for the Web by John Hobson

Major Works . Collections . Anthologies

The Sisters' Tragedy, by Thomas Bailey Aldrich [1890] [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Young Adventure by Stephen Vincent Benet
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Birds of Passage by Mathilde Blind
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Songs and Sonnets by Mathilde Blind
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

The Collectd Poems of Rupert Brooke
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Sonnnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Band of Gideon and Other Lyrics by Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr. [1918] [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Poems by Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr. [1922] [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Olney Hymns by William Cowper
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Black Riders and Other Lines by Stephen Crane [1895] [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

War is Kind and Other Lines by Stephen Crane [1899] [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

The Culprit Fay and Other Poems by Joseph Rodman Drake
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Bab Ballads by William S. Gilbert
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Wessex Poems by Thomas Hardy
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

A Shropshire Lad by a.E. Housman
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Sonnets and Lyrics by Helen Hunt Jackson ? 30 selected poems
plus a Calendar of Sonnets
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Chamber Music by James Joyce
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Songs Written for C.R.L. Fletcher's "a History of England" by Rudyard Kipling
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Lucasta by Richard Lovelace
30 selected poems
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

A Dome of Many-Coloured Glass by Amy Lowell
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

In Flanders Fields and Other Poems by John McCrae
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Harlem Shadows: The Poems of Claude McKay by Claude McKay
? edited for the Web by Nelson Miller

Renascence and Other Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay [1917][Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Second April by Edna St. Vincent Millay [1921]
20 selected poems
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

A few Figs from Thistles by Edna St. Vincent Millay [1922] [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Chimneysmoke by Christopher Morley
29 selected poems
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Hamewith by Charles Murray
20 selected poems
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Poems by Wilfred Owen
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Spicewood by Lizette Woodworth Reese
12 selected poems
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Songs O' Cheer by James Whitcomb Riley
11 selected poems
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

The Children of the Night by Edwin Arlington Robinson
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Chicago Poems by Carl Sandburg
38 selected poems
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Cornhuskers by Carl Sandburg
21 selected poems
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Smoke and Steel by Carl Sandburg
24 selected poems
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Poems by Alan Seeger
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses by Robert W. Service
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Ballads of a Cheechako by Robert W. Service
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Rhymes of a Rolling Stone by Robert W. Service
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Sonnets of William Shakespeare
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Songs of Travel and Other Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Christ at Carnival and Other Poems by Muriel Stuart [1916] [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Helen of Troy and Other Poems by Sara Teasdale [1911] [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Rivers to the Sea by Sara Teasdale [1915] [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Love Songs by Sara Teasdale [1917] [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Flame and Shadow by Sara Teasdale [1920] [Bookshelf Format]
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Maurine and Other Poems by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
17 selected poems
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Rosa Mystica by Oscar Wilde ? 16 selected poems
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Sour Grapes by William Carlos Williams
?edited for the Web by Nelson Miller

Nets to Catch The Wind, by Elinor Wylie [Bookshelf Format]
her first book of poems
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Michael Robartes and the Dancer by W.B. Yeats
? edited for the Web by John Mark Ockerbloom

Major Works . Collections . Anthologies

Ancient Poems, Ballads and Songs of Peasantry England, edited by Robert Bell
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Best Poems of 1923, edited by L.a.G. Strong
35 poems selected from the anthology
? edited for the Web by Steve Spanoudis

Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1913
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

A Treasury of War Poems editied by George Herbert Clarke [1917]
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

The Bookman Anthology of Verse edited by John Farrar [1922]
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Georgian Poetry 1911-1912
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Georgian Poetry 1913-1915
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Georgian poetry 1916-1917
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair

Some Imagist Poets [1915]
? edited for the Web by Bob Blair
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